Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Spoiler LOTRer

I'm spoiled. I'm used to watching the extended editions of LOTR. But they aren't at my house anymore. My brother owned them, and since he's moved out, they've also moved out. Recently I rented The Return of the King, from Food City...they only had the regular version. But I had been so deprived of some decent action that I didn't care. There were so many scenes I missed. I had only ever seen the extended edition of ROTK. I had never seen the regular cut version. I was disappointed, but at least that will keep me tied over until I can get my own copies.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Growing Up

Why must one grow up? Yes, it's true that you must mature in your wisdom and responsibilities, but growing up doesn't mean you turn "serious". That's the wrong kind of growing up. Why can't you still have the imagination of a child, still have the whimsical fancies, and silliness of one that doesn't understand why everyone has to be worried and stressed. The answer is, you can. If you don't follow the crowd of people that are trying to force you to be someone your not. Last night I was deep in thought while watching Finding Neverland. I started to wonder why I haven't just imagined something rather silly in a while? I wondered why lately I haven't imagined the furniture grew a mouth and legs. Why the stack of books didn't spread their pages like wings and fly around the room. I think more people should think like J.M. Barrie. Think silly nonsensical things. Become a child again. Too many people are trying to grow up too fast. Enjoy the time you have. Who says that once your reach high school you have to walk, talk, think, act like an adult. You should always think like a child. Children have faith, hope, and don't doubt that their dreams will come true. No matter how silly, or wild they are. What wrong is there in dreaming of sailing the seven seas with pirates, or ruling a kingdom as princess, or even queen, climbing the highest peak on the highest mountain, being the first to do something daring, to walk through a wardrobe and find yourself in a completely different world, to sit by your window and wait for Peter Pan to take you to Neverland, to have a mighty sword fight with the best swordsman in all eternity, and win. These things are possible. Possibilities are endless when you use your...imagination.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Popsicles and Movies

Popsicles and movies. Yep...that's why we were at the store for almost an hour. First of all we went to our neighborhood pool and swam (or sat out in the sun and read) for an hour. Then we decided to go to the store and get some popsicles. We got there, got some other things first, then we went to the frozen food aisle. We couldn't figure out what kind we wanted. My little brother wanted Ice cream sandwhiches, and I wanted something fruity. My mom had to end up choosing something. Then we went into the movie store and decided to rent a movie. We decided on a new release. But then we thought about it and decided to get something else. Then we saw the five for five deal. Five movies for five dollars. So we decided to do the deal. But then we had to pick out five movies. Finally after about twenty minutes we chose: Batman (old series), The Return of the King, The Apple Dumpling Gang Returns, Old Yeller+Sam's Revenge, and Eloise at the Plaza. Then we finally got home to air conditioning, dark sun touched faces, flip flip tans, and cute puppies on the news.

Monday, June 16, 2008

My First Post!

This is my first post, on my very first blog! I'm so happy! There's a reason why my blog is called The Life of a Narnian Scribe, I named it that, because my favorite hobbies are writing, and anything to do with Narnia!

I've been taking a cake decorating class on monday nights at a local craft shop. Tonight is my last class out of 4. It was fun, but I'm glad that it's almost over. Having the stress of making cakes, making icing, and icing cakes all in several hours, has been a bit much.

Yesterday I finished The Silver Chair, and today I started The Last Battle. My two favorite Narnia books! As you may have guessed, my favorite character from the Narnia series is: Jill Pole. So that's part of the reason why the two books with her in them, are my favorites.

Well, I must go clean the kitchen. It's quite a mess!